
会议日程, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼204会议室

2017年9月28日, 周四

09:00-09:15, 开幕式,主持人:刘歆
09:15-09:30, 合影 (数学院南楼前)
09:30-10:00, 主持人:刘歆
09:30-10:00, 胡 俊:Nonconforming Mixed Finite Elements for Linear Elasticity on Simplicial Grids
10:00-10:20, 茶歇
10:20-11:50, 主持人:戴小英
10:20-10:50, 胡 丹:Weighted Least Square Analysis Method for Free Energy Calculation
10:50-11:20, 杨 超:How to Design a Fully Implicit Solver that can Scale to 10M Cores?
11:20-11:50, 应文俊:Cartesian Grid Method for Numerical PDES
11:50-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人:季霞
14:00-14:30, 徐立伟:Boundary Integral Equation Methods for the Elastic Waves
14:30-15:00, 郑春雄:Extended WKB Analysis for the Generalized Schrodinger Equations in the Semi-classical Regime
15:00-15:30, 刘晓东:From Limited-aperture to Full-aperture
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-17:20, 主持人:刘晓东
15:50-16:20, 季 霞:Recursive Intergral Method for the Nonlinear Non-selfadjoint Transmission Eigenvalue Problem
16:20-16:50, 齐洪胜:STP-Based State Space Algebraic Approach and Its Applications
16:50-17:20, 阴小波:Anisotropic Meshes and Stabilization Parameter Design of Linear SUPG Method for 2D
17:30-19:00, 晚宴

2017年9月29日, 周五

09:00-10:00, 主持人:齐洪胜
09:00-09:30, 范金燕:Global Complexity Bound of the Inexact Levenberg-Marquardt Method
09:30-10:00, 杨卫红:广义信赖域问题的块 Lanczos 算法
10:00-10:20, 茶歇
10:20-11:50, 主持人:龚伟
10:20-10:50, 陈俊清:A Direct Sampling Method for Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering Problem
10:50-11:20, 赖 俊:Second Kind Integral Equation Formulation for the Mode Calculation of Optical Waveguides
11:20-11:50, 周 涛:Parareal Algorithms: Theory and Applications
11:50-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人:周涛
14:00-14:30, 张 凯:An Efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Optimal Control Problems Constrained by Random Helmholtz Equations
14:30-15:00, 杨 伟:Finite Element Time-domain Models and Simulations in Transformation Optics
15:00-15:30, 龚 伟:Approximations of Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-16:50, 主持人:崔涛
15:50-16:20, 蔡勇勇:Some Recent Progress on Numerical Methods for Highly Oscillatory Dispersive PDEs
16:20-16:50, 方 俊:电子结构计算的PAW方法
16:50-17:30, 专题讨论及闭幕式,主持人:崔涛
17:30-19:00, 晚餐