
会议日程, 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院南楼204会议室

2019年12月12日, 周四

09:00-09:30, 开幕式
09:30-10:30, 主持人:刘 歆
09:30-10:00, 苏文藻: Non-smooth Optimization over the Stiefel Manifold: Models and Algorithms
10:00-10:30, 史作强: PDE-based Methods for Interpolation on High Dimensional Point Cloud
10:30-10:50, 茶歇
10:50-12:20, 主持人:戴小英
10:50-11:20, 胡广辉: Simulation of Time-harmonic Acoustic Scattering from Locally Perturbed Periodic Structures
11:20-11:50, 毛士鹏: A Diffuse Interface Model for Two-phase Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Flows and Its Stable Finite Element Approximations
11:50-12:20, 杨 银: Spectral Methods for Several Types of Nonlinear Fractional Partial Differential Equations
12:20-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人:袁春明
14:00-14:30, 唐 敏: Accurate Front Capturing Method for Degenerate Diffusion Problems
14:30-15:00, 边 伟: Accelerated Iterative Hard Thresholding Algorithm for \(\ell_{0}\) Regularized Regression Problem
15:00-15:30, 陈彩华: Decomposition Method for Large-scale Optimization Problems and Their Applications
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-17:20, 主持人:郑伟英
15:50-16:20, 张 勇: Fast Convolution-type Nonlocal Potential Solvers in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and Lightning Simulation
16:20-16:50, 李步扬:Time Discretization of Fractional Evolution Equations, Stokes-Darcy Systems, Artificial Boundary Conditions, Boundary Integral Equations of Wave Problems
16:50-17:20, 鲁汪涛: On Wellposedness and Convergence of UPML Method for Analyzing Wave Scattering in Layered Media
17:20-17:50, 向雪霜: Deep Domain Decomposition Method: Elliptic Problems
18:20-20:00, 晚宴

2019年12月13日, 周五

09:00-10:30, 主持人:张 硕
09:00-09:30, 宋 洁:Perishable Resource Allocation with Online Contextual Learning
09:30-10:00, 宋永生:Stein’s Method Under Sublinear Expectations
10:00-10:30, 杨 将:Structure Preserving Numerical Methods for Phase-field Equations
10:30-10:50, 茶歇
10:50-12:20, 主持人:宋永生
10:50-11:20, 肖义彬:On the Optimal Control of Variational-hemivariational Inequalities
11:20-11:50, 张雷洪:The Generalized Trust-Region Method
11:50-12:20, 孙 聪:New Gradient Method with Adaptive Stepsize Update Strategy
11:50-14:00, 午餐
14:00-15:30, 主持人:冷 伟
14:00-14:30, 陈荣亮:High Performance Blood Flow Simulation Algorithms and Applications
14:30-15:00, 袁春明:数控数据的样条拟合与规划
15:00-15:30, 何连花:Local Finite Element Algorithms for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems in Quantum Physics
15:30-15:50, 茶歇
15:50-18:00, 主持人:崔 涛
15:50-16:20, 戴书洋:Multiscale Model for Interlayer Defects in Low Dimension Materials
16:20-16:50, 张 硕:On Low-degree Optimal Finite Element Schemes
16:50-17:20, 冷 伟: An Additive Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for the Helmholtz Equation
17:20-18:00, 圆桌讨论
18:20-20:00, 晚餐