会议日程和报告摘要pdf (腾讯会议:228 227 670, 密码:204204)
2022年12月7日, 周三
08:50-09:00, 开幕式
09:00-09:30, 胡耀华:Mix sparse optimization: theory and applications
09:30-10:00, 丁超:Recent progress on algorithm foundation of augmented Lagrangian method
10:00-10:30, 江如俊:Solving Stackelberg Prediction Game with least squares loss via spherically constrained least squares reformulation
10:50-11:20, 薛文超:一类不确定系统的扩张状态滤波算法
11:20-11:50, 刘九龙:Generative models based statistical priors for compressive sensing reconstruction
11:50-12:20, 张力维:A generalized Atomic Cluster Expansion(ACE) framework and its applications in electronic structure calculations
14:00-14:30, 顾然:A random active set method for strictly convex quadratic problem with simple bounds
14:30-15:00, 李肖:A unified convergence theorem for stochastic optimization methods
15:00-15:30, 肖纳川:Dissolving constraints for Riemannian optimization
15:50-16:20, 胡凯博:Tensor product finite element BGG complexes
16:20-16:50, 吴朔男:Discontinuous Galerkin methods for magnetic advection-diffusion problems
16:50-17:20, 王旭:Inverse random potential scattering for biharmonic waves
2022年12月8日, 周四
09:00-09:30, 林俊杉:Scattering resonances through subwavelength holes: theory, computation and applications
09:30-10:00, 彭志超:EM-WaveHoltz: a flexible frequency-domain Maxwell solver built from time-domian solvers
10:00-10:30, 李浩:On the accuracy and monotonicity of spectral element method on structured meshes
10:30-10:40, 闭幕式,主持人:崔涛